You seem like a nice person. So I’ll tell you a little more about me.
Words are my thing. And what handy tools they are. But they’re never blunt instruments. They’re fast-drying droplets of paint. Blazing comets. Expertly wielded scalpels. Dawdling lasers. Meandering bumblebees. They house ideas, give shape to the ethereal, describe the world a zillion different ways all at once.
Ideas are my thing. They’re flash lightning. Jell-o cubes. Bill Bernbach’s breakfast. They connect people and inspire people and provoke people and make us feel things we maybe always kind of knew we felt deep down but then in a moment it all becomes more real. Put together in a subtly familiar yet totally different combination. Meaningful. And memorable. Like mama mia ka-pow fireworks. And sometimes gently “yes.”
I have lived and traveled in places where I didn’t speak the language.
I was born in Japan. I’m related to Einstein (that explains the hair). I make flawless risotto, if I do say so myself. I like poetry. And animals. I am very polite. And I believe in the power of “let’s try this.”